Hey there.
I am struggling with network problems since I built my PI2 with OSMC.
HTPC has Argus running and is Windows 7 based. Goes into Hibernate if not busy. Connected via wired LAN.
Client is OSMC latest updates on a Raspberry PI2.
My Music, my video files recorded by Argus and a MySQL Database are stored on my HTPC. The file directories are network shares.
The PI2 is connected via WLAN.
Ok Problems. I have installed at LEAST 20 times now. Everytime the same. Everxthing is working. Music playing. Videos playing. TV Data is there. And then… next day… Nothing happens. “Busy” and in the logs is the Message that the file can not be found. Funny: Synch of EPG and Channel data with ARgus is working. Music and Videos are still shown and listed. So Database connection is working, too.
But if I try the lowest step: Filemanager -> Open one of my shared directories I get immediately “Connection timed out”.
As if OSMC couldn’t find the HTPC. Ping is working, Database and Argus are connected. But no access. After rebooting the HTPC everything is working again.
In addition I got multiple issues with my WLAN adapters since thursday. Edimax Nano: Suddenly network was not reachable. Joining the WLAN was not possible or did last forever. After installing again and again the whole system from scratch on, I gave up on that adapter. When WLAN was set up every menue or setting suddenly was lagging forever.
Original Raspberry PI Dongle: Installed, access to OSMC network settings was fast. It found the WLAN fast. Everything seemed working. After a few minutes watching a video the first time it started to stop for buffering and after half an hour with 5 or 6 buffer lags suddenly sound disappeared.
Now I am using a rather large CSL stick with antennas. This one works without any problems. BUT… Opening OSMC settings --> Network --> Wireless LAN and then I need to wait 3 or 4 minutes without doing anything until the settings appear. Changing a setting needs to wait for 1 or 2 minutes again. But that’s the only problem. Videos are playing etc.
But my old problem still is there… Let the PI2 running yesterday and just wanted to start Music or a Movie. “Connection timed out”. I bet if I restart my HTPC and then the PI it will work again.
Is there a reason why it is loosing the ability to open SMB shares while network seems ok?