Alpha 3 - Script failed!: oscmsettings.update

When OSMC has loaded an the interface is fully visible I see this error:

Script failed!: oscmsettings.update

I also see that the wifi does not connect and cec is not working. Maybe that is related to the error.

Any help is appreciated!

Note: When connected to wired network I also see this message, but then I have network access.

CEC is working perfectly since test build 1, probably something on your hand, tv setting is most probably.

WiFi issues have been resolved in Alpha 3

Same with the settings add-on.

You’re currently actually running a proposed Alpha 3 build. A lot has changed then. Hopefully Alpha 3 is not far off and should fix things up

Re. CEC: I’d recommend unplugging your TV for a full minute as this can cause some issues.



will the proposed alpha 3 build auto update to alpha 3 or will i need to re install?

great work by the way a very fast and smooth interface cant wait for the final product to be ready

i am also getting the
Script failed!: oscmsettings.update and a skin on when going back to the home

You’ll need to re-install

The script error has been fixed.

cheers sam if i re install to fix the error i am getting how do i keep my setting like library ect with out re scanning it all again? or is a re scan required again

I re-installed Alpha-3 (proposed) through the osmc-installer I downloaded last week, but I still see the script failed error on my wired installation a couple of seconds after OSMC has started…

Are you sure about this? I mean did you copy this error because oscmsettings.update must be osmcsettings.update

it could be a write error in the script itself

Hi guys,

I perhaps was a little unclear. I meant that when you install the proper version of Alpha 3, not the proposed version, you will see that this error is resolved.

The new Alpha 3 build should be out shortly.


cheers Sam