I am having trouble installing several packages on OSMC. I get “package not found” errors. For example I can’t install ftp-app-osmc as it is not able to install vsftpd, giving me a “no installation candidate”. I see the repo was modified today, is there some problem with it going on? I am very new to linux so it might just be me.
Did you ‘sudo apt-get update’ first ??
I did, a bunch of times.
It is now installed, thoug ftp still doesn’t work, Ftp client gives me a “connection refused”.
I added a repo to sources list for debian, maybe that’s where it got vsftpd, I atp-get too many times so I can’t be sure.
Anyway, I did try to install Vi with the origins repo and didn’t work either (apt-get install vim) and ended up doing with the new repo just to find out illegal instruction when trying to run it. I will reinstall osmc on the sd card again and see how it goes.
I just wanted to know of it was just me or someone else was having problems getting packages.
Like I said, in very new to Linux so I’m learning as I go and I’m sure I will have to re install osmc a few more times before I finally set it up fully and correctly.
Are you using a Pi 1 or Pi 2 ? They use different APT repos. Pi 1 uses the Raspbian repo while Pi 2 uses the Debian one.
Please paste a copy of your modified sources.list file so we can see exactly what you’ve done - there should not be any need to modify this file and it may actually cause problems if you have both Raspbian and Debian sources enabled.
Illegal instructions sound like he used the x86 or amd64 repos of debian.