I upgraded my pc the other day (new cpu, mobo, ram etc) but cant seem to get autofs shares working again.
They worked fine on my previous win10 install
I input …
mnt/film/sw2 -fstype=cifs,rw,username=al,password=xxxx,iocharset=utf8,uid=osmc,gid=osmc :// Like before but when i navigate to the share on the vero /mnt/film i cant open the sw2 folder inside the film folder.
I have the folder shared on win10 correctly .
Am I missing something really obvious with security or network settings in windows??
First would suggest tto run smbclient -L to check if the shares are visible as sw2
Then stop autofs and run manually to see debug information.
I tried that last command and get
After this operation, 1604 kB of additional disk space will be used.
Do you want to continue? [Y/n] y
When I hit y it aborts
I also reinstalled OSMC so the vero is pretty much stock
Spent all day on it and couldn’t get it working. reinstalled win10 AND OSMC
I think its windows not allowing access to the share folder.
It worked fine before and im just doing the same thing I did before.
Sharename Type Comment
--------- ---- -------
ADMIN$ Disk Remote Admin
C$ Disk Default share
D$ Disk Default share
E$ Disk Default share
G$ Disk Default share
H$ Disk Default share
sw2 Disk
Connection to failed (Error NT_STATUS_RESOURCE_NAME_NOT_FOUND)
NetBIOS over TCP disabled – no workgroup available
Wait. adding vers=3.0 to the autofs cifs line (when i worked out what that is and how to add) worked.
I dont know why it needs to have it included now when it didnt before but at least it works again