I just moved from Raspbmc to OSMC. I exported and imported my video library and after a few problems I have the OSMC now running fine. Except that I cannot view movie information. When I go to the TV show list and press the “Info” button on my remote control I get a nice info window about the selected TV show or the selected episode. When I go to the Movie list and press the “Info” button, I get nothing. On Raspbmc I got the same kind of info window also for movies, containing plot summary, possibility to view the trailer etc.
I have tried several skins, but that does not change anything. No info for movies. I am quite sure that the info is there in the database as at least plot summary is shown if I start watching a movie and press the info button on the remote.
What is going on?
Some info about the system. This is Raspberry Pi 1 B now running OSMC 2016-01.1 (I think), with flirc and Logitech Harmony One remote control,
This is what is shown in the log file when I press the Info key on remote:
17:09:30 54.768478 T:3024446000 DEBUG: Keyboard: scancode: 0x17, sym: 0x0069, unicode: 0x0069, modifier: 0x0
17:09:31 55.797283 T:3024446000 DEBUG: OnKey: i (0xf049) pressed, action is Info
Then nothing happens. Comparing to pressing Info key on a TV episode:
17:18:47 612.569519 T:3024446000 DEBUG: Keyboard: scancode: 0x17, sym: 0x0069, unicode: 0x0069, modifier: 0x0
17:18:47 612.571106 T:3024446000 DEBUG: OnKey: i (0xf049) pressed, action is Info
17:18:48 612.781677 T:3024446000 DEBUG: ------ Window Init (DialogVideoInfo.xml) ------