Change of refresh rate does not occur for 10 seconds on some video files


The problem I’m having is that, on certain video files, the change of display refresh rate does not occur immediately. Rather it happens after exactly 10 seconds of playback causing a black screen for a second or two then the video plays as normal. The last thing you want when you’ve just fired up your favourite 80’s cartoon intro is to have everything stop all of sudden, even if it is only for a moment. :wink:

This doesn’t occur on all video files, most play fine without the late refresh rate change. I think it may be something to do with the video encoding because, if one episode in a series does it, they will all do it. Whereas another series will be fine.

Here’s a log if it’s helpful:

EDIT: I thought I should add that I have Adjust Video to Display disabled and the Refresh Delay setting also Off.