eGalax TouchScreen - Alpha 4

Good afternoon. I know this has been asked before (at least from what I’ve researched) but I’m still having problems with the latest build not req the eGalax TouchScreen. To troubleshoot, I used a clean Raspberry OS and it works fine. When I try the Alpha 4 build, the USB light just stays on. The device shows up in the lsusb , but does not when I try evtest. Also I know a lot of ppl say to use rpi-update , but that has been disabled (from what I’ve read). I’d like to use this feature if possible for my project. Thanks in advance…

Raspberry PI - B
OSMC - Alpha

I’m trying to do a project that might be similar. It’s a simple video kiosk using Raspberry Pi without any network connection. Idea is I can put videos on the SD card and some meta-info and use the touch-screen to select a video, read the info, and watch them.

I’m very early on, only just installed OSMC for the first time, so I don’t even know if it’s suitable/configurable for what I want to do, but it looks super-slick so far. I have no idea if the touch screen is supposed to be supported or not, never mind how to configure it if it is supported. All I know so far is that plugging in the USB from the screen doesn’t magically work.

So please let me know how you get on with this and if you got it working.

What does dmesg say if you plug it in?
Is there kernelsupport for this touchscreen?

I don’t know - it’s a Raspberry Pi Model A with no networking and only 1 USB port. I managed to get the touch screen working by using a better power supply for the Pi, but the touch resolution is not mapped to the screen, so touching in the top left corner gives movement all over the screen.