GPIO Receiver does not work after reinstall

My SD card has damaged and I had to reinstall everything to a new SD card.
I did a fresh install, then copied the entire content of my old .kodi folder to the new install.

Everything works, except the IR remote control.

I use a GPIO receiver and as far as I remember I’ve used one of the default conf files the last time, selected from the OSMC Receiver menu.

How can I test if the IR receiver is getting any data or not?

I’ve tried:
sudo systemctl status lircd_helper@lirc0
* lircd_helper@lirc0.service - lircd remote support
Loaded: loaded (/lib/systemd/system/lircd_helper@.service; static)
Active: inactive (dead)

Where “dead” is not too promising.

Running the latest OSMC on a Raspberry Pi 3.

Thanks in advance,

DId you check your GPIO settings in /boot/config.txt?

Oh yes, that was the only thing I have not pre-saved and restored…
Thanks a lot!!!

It can be configured under My OSMC quite easily.

Does it also add


To the config.txt file?

If you configure those pins in My OSMC, yes.