Hard dive accessible on network


I just got my Vero4k running. Trying to access my hard drive connected to the Vero4k through my network. I download samba from the app store and can view my OSMC but within the shared folder I can not find the hard drive with all my media on it.

I want to be able to copy media to this drive from my network. Is this possible?


Try editing smb.conf
Comment-out this line

usershare template share = automount template


How exactly do I add this command line to smb.conf. Where is the file located for me to access?

While the file is at /etc/samba/ I am not sure if this is your problem.
Can you show the shares that you see when you browse your OSMC

When I click on OSMC as a network share. I see the folder structure below.

.kodi (hidden file)
TV shows

Previously I have used libreelec and was able to see my hard drive connected to the device via the network share. I could then add videos to that Hard drive.

First: check if the disk is available under /media in OSMC.

I only see media within .kodi/media. In that folder there is nothing.

On the Vero4k under Filing manager ->Root File system -> Media. I do see the mounted external hard drive.

OSMC is the share of \home\osmc is that the only network share you see on the top level? Basically you should have a second share with the name of the harddisk as it is mounted under \media\

I swear that was not there before! … Yes I see it now :open_mouth:

and a very convenient location!


For me, after installing samba service, restart of the vero was required to see/load usb drives connected to vero in windows over samba in root directory.

To have vero 4k+ internal and external storage accessible over network in windows you need to install samba service in
vero > in myosmc > app store > samba (smb) server
restart vero
then make sure you have all connected drives visible in vero
and try to access vero from your windows machine from windows explorer
\\<ip address>
(login and password default is “osmc” [ it is recommended to change the password as stated here: Accessing the command line - General - OSMC ])