Having the worst luck accessing smb shares

from either osmc to pc or pc to osmc.

However, from my macbook I can browse both just fine. I don’t understand it. See screen shots.


to access files via smb from windows to osmc, you probably just need to install the samba service; its available in the myosmc store.

To access windows shares from osmc, you may to change the Maximum protocol version o smbv1. You will find the option under settings, service, smbclient.

Thanks Tom.

Win10 creators Fall upgrade removed SMB v.1 from Windows 10 Home and Profesional edition if not used in 15days after upgrade.

Windows 10 Home and Windows 10 Professional still contain the SMBv1 client by default after a clean installation. If the SMBv1 client is not used for 15 days in total (excluding the computer being turned off), it automatically uninstalls itself. Automatic removal of SMB1 after 15 days is a one-time operation. If an administrator re-installs SMB1, no further attempts will be made to uninstall it.

This might be the case for you, in that case you have to reinstall smb v1.
Go to Control Panel > Programs and Features > Turn Windows Features on or off > check or uncheck the box for “SMB 1.0/CIFS File Sharing Support”