I gave up on the Pi as I couldn’t share the music I had on the PC using rpmc and bought a lovely new Vero. It arrived today and it circtainly looks lovely. It booted up nicely and allows me to play with menus and stuff but I still can’t play any music or look at photos.
I now have a WD My Cloud server with my photos and music on it as I hoped this would make sharing simpler. Not so it would appear.
Now I know you guys are all experts and must be shaking your collective heads at the stupidity of this but for me the online support/forums etc assume so much knowledge and are simply packed with acronyms and jargon that I am truly baffled. All I want is to listen to my music and look at a few pictures. Not even at the same time if that is hard to do.
The IP address of the WD device is and the music is located in Public/Shared Music.
Hi tedo,
you can try this guide:
at the step 4, chose “windows share (SMB)” instead of “home folder”, if your wd cloud is well configurated you can find it there (maybe under workgroup)
Seems to have worked, brilliant, thank you