How can I compare real data throughput from different sources?

Okay, that’s a brilliantly unclear subject line, sorry. :frowning: What I want to do is measure the real-world video-data bit-rate that I can get from different Kodi sources.

One can use iperf3 to measure raw network speed between Vero and server, but that doesn’t take into account any number of overheads that mean real-world throughput will be lower.

If a source is mounted using autofs or fstab then I guess I can just copy a large file and time the transfer; but it’d be nice to have something a little more automated that actually spits out a number; and anyway this approach doesn’t work for Kodi-level sources.

I’m interested in things like just how much slower the throughput is for a Kodi-level NFS source vs the same NFS export mounted with autofs; or how the speed of an autofs SMB mount compares with an autofs NFS mount (taking into account possible overheads at the server end if it’s a Windows box running Hanewin).

What can I use to measure this?

Use dd from an autofs mount.


dd if=/path/to/file of=/dev/null bs=4M

That covers OS-level mounts quite nicely. Is there a way to get similar numbers out of a source defined at Kodi level?

Copy it via Kodi Filemanager and stop the time.

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Ah, good idea!

Is there any way to get the File Manager to “copy” to /dev/null? I’m just wondering whether, if there’s an actual copy going on, the observed transfer speed might sometimes be limited by the write speed of the local flash storage rather than by the network/server read speeds. (If the flash storage can write at speeds comfortably faster than gigabit Ethernet transmission speed, that’s obviously a non-issue).

Initial results (using 5GHz WiFi):

autofs NFS: ~31MB/s
autofs SMB: ~18MB/s
Kodi NFS: ~15MB/s
Kodi SMB: ~7MB/s

So it looks like Hanewin NFS server is worth the effort, which is part of what I wanted to know.

Interesting question and good point. Did you tested it? You should be able to choose /dev/null as target directory.

I may be missing something, but it looks like you to need to open the target folder on the right hand side of the file manager in order to copy files into it. You can’t open /dev/null, it gives you a “not found” error.

Quite possible.
I think the emmc is quite fast, so as long as your file fits on the emmc I think it is a fair test.

time cp file_of_known_size.bin /nfs/share
time cp file_of_known_size.bin /smb/share

And compare. How I do it.