How to remove or change default video player in Vero 4K?

Hi, all! I just moved from android box Himedia Q5 Pro, which i liked too, with running Kodi and video and music libraries. Before i moved to Vero 4K, i backup all system to usb stick, by using backup addon. On Vero 4K i restored all settings and addons from usb stick, by using the same backup addon. Everything restored. I go to movies library, choose selected movie and by pressing OK or play button, try to play that movie. Screen blinks and nothing happens. Than i try to press menu button and i have menu: play, information, queue item, play using… and others. I choose “Play using…” position and i got another menu: Wrapper (Default), Wrapper, VideoPlayer. When i choose “Videoplayer”- movie starts playing.
Maybe it’s happened because i used Kodi restore from Android box backup were wrapper was preinstalled on the system?
How to remove wrapper, which doesn’t play movies on Vero 4K or change default player to videoplayer? Should i make clean setup of Vero 4K? If yes, how?

Thanks in advance

Yes, that sounds right.

How did you restore from your old to new box?
Custom players are usually defined in playercorefactory.xml. So deleting this file should fix things.

Thanks. I just installed Backup addon from Kodi rep (programs section) on Vero 4K device and run it, by choosing restore function and choosing restore from my usb stick. All my settings and addons, also libraries were restored.
To delete playercorefactory.xml file i should use ssh connection and use some linux commands?

Yes, you need to go to command line check this Accessing the command line - General - OSMC

The file should be in .kodi/userdata/ and the command to remove is rm

Thanks, guys!