[HowTo] Moonlight-Embedded (former Limelight) using Luna Launcher

EDIT: Problem Solved: I had to Issue “sudo modprobe snd-bcm2835” then moonlight opens up on the Raspberry PI.


I just went through the Compiling Holocaust and I need help.

I have a problem with moonlight-embedded and moonlight-osmc on the latest OSMC version running on raspberry Pi 1.

When I issue the command: “moonlight stream myhostIP”, GameStream opens on my Desktop PC and not on the raspberry Pi. I have created a issue on GitHub here: GameStream opens on Desktop PC and not on the Raspberry PI · Issue #220 · moonlight-stream/moonlight-embedded · GitHub

Anyone knows how to solve this issue?

Also I wonder why noone just uploads a working image containing OSMC and moonlight with everything setup just right? Wouldn’t that be easier and more efficient for everyone rather than having to put everyone through the Linux Compiling Holocaust?! I have already wasted several days trying to setup moonlight on my raspberry pi. For a Windows user it is a major PITA to find out how to resolve all these missing dependency issues and all the other issues you encounter while compiling stuff for linux (does someone really wonder why Windows is more successfull than Linux?). It would be easier to just write a image to a sd card and boot. I don’t wanna know how to compile or install moonlight. I just want it to work.

Just thinking out loud and trying to let off steam and cooling off from the Compiling Holocaust. :wink: