Hi, Recently purchased Vero 4k and im finding it very slow navigating folders in the kodi. I have compared its operation side by side with a Wetek Play 2 I have running kodi from SD card.
When I browse my local movie folder of 350 movies ( local attached HDD ) the artwork is only half loaded every time I enter folder and takes 30secs+ to populate every time? I have no such problem with a Wetek P2 or RPI2 I also have.
Considering the superior Vero 4k hardware I was expecting it to be fast/buttery smooth especially regarding local playback from HDD. I’m hoping this is an easy fix? as its my first time using OSMC
gotta say i use WD MycloudEX2Ultra NAS networked to my Vero and works faultlessly, no playback or art work population issues at all.
To get a better understanding of the problem you are experiencing we need more information from you. The best way to get this information is for you to upload logs that demonstrate your problem. You can learn more about how to submit a useful support request here.
Thanks for your understanding. We hope that we can help you get up and running again shortly.
This sounds very odd. As @actiona suggests, can you please provide a set of logs after you experience this problem.
Are you using library mode or just playing the files from the drive?
We spin the drive down after inactivity, which could cause a slight delay if you haven’t used the disk in some time. This is to prolong the life of the drive and reduce power consumption. It shouldn’t be taking 30 seconds to open a folder unless something is wrong with the drive however.
I saw your other post and see that the slow performance is occurring when you use an add-on. Unfortunately this is a third party add-on and we can’t guarantee it’s performance; particularly it relies on content from external websites.
However: I would recommend checking the Kodi version you have on other devices as well as ensuring the add-on is the same version. If you can find other-addons which are official and cause such problems, I am happy to look in to this further for you.