Kodi freeze, possible CEC issue?

Watching a film, it froze, I checked the logs.
Not debug :confused: http://privatepaste.com/244e9a45cf

Had no control through Kodi.
Tried restarting Kodi, but that didnt work.
I had to ssh in and reboot the Rpi2.

are you sure that this log is from the time issue occured?

could not open a connection (try X) suggest problem with TV / hmdi cable. I’ve seen this behaviour when I booted my osmc without hdmi attached

EDIT: Did you try Yatse or similar kodi management tool - just to rule out remote/cec issues? I just suspect that in your case kodi froze altogether - especiallyif the video was frozen too?

Yes that is the correct log.
I also tried the Webgui aswell as Yatse.


EDIT: I if didn’t work it was definitely kodi that froze

I know that it was Kodi that froze because I could still access OSMC via ssh.

more to it: if kodi froze with that debug log about cec trying to connect i’d check and recheck and change hdmi cable

I just meant that it shouldn’t have anything to do with CEC or libcec. When cec issues occure everything else (yatse like) is working properly. Here must have happened something totally weird that bring down entire kodi.

Next time try:

sudo systemctl restart mediacenter

to see if that is more some OS/hardware error or just kodi software issue

EDIT: Also you can always use:


to see if cec is working properly. Just keep in mind that running that will disable remote in kodi and you have to restart mediacenter afterwards.

I already tried that

looks more and more like hardware issue. read above ‘edit’ about cec-client and try different cables.