Kodi not responding to incoming CEC commands


I’m running a RPi2 with OSMC 2016.01-1 connected to a Yamaha RX-V779 and I want to control it with its remote in BD DVD scene (don’t know what that means but my BlueRay player cooperates that way). Therefore I tried numerous ways but for now I’m running in circles. The good thing is that Debug-Logging (under ~/.kodi/temp/kodi.log) indicates incoming commands:

16:15:39 718.429260 T:1855415328   DEBUG: CecLogMessage - >> 51:44:03
16:15:39 718.429565 T:1855415328   DEBUG: CecLogMessage - SetCurrentButton left (3) D:0ms cur:3
16:15:39 718.429810 T:1855415328   DEBUG: CecLogMessage - key pressed: left (3) current(ff) duration(0)
16:15:39 718.430420 T:1855415328   DEBUG: CecLogMessage - Changed key left (3) D:0ms cur:ff
16:15:39 718.431152 T:1855415328   DEBUG: CecLogMessage - key pressed: left (3, 0)
16:15:39 718.431580 T:1855415328   DEBUG: PushCecKeypress - received key a9 duration 0 (rep:0 size:5)
16:15:39 718.432007 T:1855415328   DEBUG: PushCecKeypress - added key a9
16:15:39 718.432312 T:1855415328   DEBUG: CecLogMessage - CheckKeypressTimeout T:718.428
16:15:39 718.432800 T:1855415328   DEBUG: CecLogMessage - Key left: idle (duration:0) (3) timeout:500ms (rel:500,rep:0,prs:1,rel:0)
16:15:39 718.433105 T:1855415328   DEBUG: CecLogMessage - >> Audio (5) -> Recorder 1 (1): user control pressed (44)
16:15:39 718.573120 T:1855415328   DEBUG: CecLogMessage - >> 51:8b:03
16:15:39 718.574158 T:1855415328   DEBUG: CecLogMessage - key released: left (3) D:144ms
16:15:39 718.574951 T:1855415328   DEBUG: PushCecKeypress - received key a9 duration 144 (rep:0 size:6)
16:15:39 718.575562 T:1855415328   DEBUG: PushCecKeypress - replaced key a9
16:15:39 718.576172 T:1855415328   DEBUG: CecLogMessage - >> Audio (5) -> Recorder 1 (1): vendor remote button up (8B)

But now the bad side. Not a single remote key is doing anything on the screen but if that means to map the keys by hand that would be just fine. Yet the Keymap Editor addon does not work. It always times out when I set the global navigation of Move Left by pressing buttons on the remote. Tipping the left cursor of the keyboard sets Move Left to “61570” - whatever that means. Anyway the addon should be working.
Then I struggled through some cmdline work by copying the original keymap file to userdata:

cp /usr/share/kodi/system/keymaps/remote.xml ~/.kodi/userdata/keymaps/remote.xml

Under keymap-global-remote I tried replacing “Left” by “left” as the log uses lowercase aswell as “a9”. Even though rebooting between each try the result stays the same. (is a reboot always neccesary btw?)

For now it looks like Kodi/OSMC has some Ignore CEC flag that I am unable to find. Could you give me a hint?

Thank you so much in advance. That’s an issue which bothers me for so long :slight_smile:

Sorry for bumping but asking Google does not help.

According to http://kodi.wiki/view/Keymap only can be used to tell kodi the actions. Without more attributes like id it is not possible to enter the key code a9 of the debug screen.

Furthermore I tried overwriting every window content with left in case anything in the original remote.xml is overwriting but no luck.

Any ideas?


I’m suffering the same issue as you.

HDMI chain is Kodi -> (BD/DVD) Onxyo TX-NR646 -> Optoma HD70 projector

I also have the “DEBUG: PushCecKeypress - replaced key a9” message in the logs.
Kodi is receiving the commands but something is blackholing them.

Other OSMC installs with TV CEC links (which do work) show similar logs but do not have the “replaced key a9” log message.