Library not creating when adding files


I am new to OSMC having just moved across from raspbmc.

I have done a fresh install of Alpha 4 and added a file source under “videos” this is a UPnP source that I used for raspbmc. If I select the added source the films are there and I can play them but I have no Library of movies. I though I remembered having to tell raspbmc the content that existed in a source but I see no option for that here.

I know this is user error but cant seem to find a way to do it.

Any help gratefully accepted!


Right click or context menu on the source and select “set content” although I’m not sure if a UPNP source can be added to the library yet. Last I heard it couldn’t.

OK, I have no Set Content so maybe it being UPnP is the issue, I’ll try via SMB. Thanks

Thanks, yes you were right. I’ve added as SMB and now its working.

Sorry to piggyback on this issue but I’m having the same problem.

Files are visible (and playable) from the Videos -> Files menu but they won’t populate in the library.

The share is a password protected SMB share (Synology DiskStation NAS). I’ve got the source content set as TV Shows with TheTVDB scanning for metadata.

Any ideas what I’m doing wrong?

Are you scanning the library for new content?? If you are and none is showing then you most likely have a corrupted video database but it could be anything. Enable debug and see what the kodi.log has to say

Yes, scanned the library for new content - both when I add the share initially and afterwards as I thought it hadn’t worked.

Here’s my log:

Any suggestions?

Thanks in advance.

Starting at line 640 19:56:37 T:2860033056 WARNING: No information found for item
‘smb://DiskStation/video/TV Shows/Better Call Saul S01E05 720p HDTV AAC
x264-PSYPHER.mp4’, it won’t be added to the library.
The scraper isn’t getting metadata, the series should be in its’ own folder like smb://DiskStation/video/TV Shows/Better Call Saul/Better Call Saul S01E05 720p HDTV AAC