Movies database

Hi all,

I know this subject has probably been talked about a lot, but I need some opinions.

I have a PI3 with 2 Flash drives (OSMC latest version).

The 1st flash drive is my ‘working image’ that has a lot of other stuff on it (retropie installed, addons etc) with USB drives connected (700 + movies). The 2nd flash drive is a test image that has nothing other than USB drives connected with exactly the same movies.

The reason I set this up is because the 1st flash drive and the 2nd flash drive don’t display the same movies. The 1st flash drives display 300 movies and if I add any more it doesn’t update. The 2nd flash drive is just a test I installed yesterday: It displays 650 movies.

  • I have not changed the ways the movies are being listed and am using the exact same external database in OSMC when adding the movies. I have attempted to clean the 1st flash drive but I get the same number of movies displayed after re-adding the movies source. Something in the DB is clearly not working considering the 2nd newly installed flash is working really well.

What can I do to rectify the 1st flash drive as its this installation I would like to use.

Thanks for your thoughts,

So your running MySQL on another machine but your using different name tags so the two different thumb drives connect to different data sources? I think it would be best to start off with some debug logs from that first thumb drive.

Hi, not sure I understand what you mean, the situation is simple though:
I’ve got 2 installations of OSMC running on 2 different flash drives with exactly the same h/w connected to my RaspberryPi.

To get a better understanding of the problem you are experiencing we need more information from you. The best way to get this information is for you to upload logs that demonstrate your problem. You can learn more about how to submit a useful support request here.

Depending on the used skin you have to set the settings-level to standard or higher, in summary:

  • enable debug logging at settings->system->logging

  • reboot the OSMC device

  • reproduce the issue

  • upload the log set either using the Log Uploader method within the My OSMC menu in the GUI or the ssh method invoking command grab-logs -A

  • publish the provided URL from the log set upload, here

Thanks for your understanding. We hope that we can help you get up and running again shortly.

OSMC skin screenshot:

So to avoid confusion. Do I get it right that you have 2 SD cards with different OSMC installations that you are running alternatively on the same Raspberry?
Or are you running those installations at the same time on two different Raspberrys

Excuse me English but what are “flash drives with USB drives connected”?

darwindesign - thank you very much for sending all that info, it is appreciated. having used pi and osmc for a good period of time now and coming from a *nix background I understand how to collect logs etc. what I dont understand is how the moviedb is cached/re-used…to save a lot a trouble, the errors are the very common ones we’ve all seen in forums from time to time:

“no information found for item <usb-mounted-drive-location/file.mp4> it wont be added to the library”

To answer the other questions:

  1. There is only 1 raspberry pi.
  2. I have 2 x USB drives connected to the raspberry pi (via powered usb hub)
  3. I have 2 x flash/sd cards: 1 is used daily, the other was used to create adhoc backups
  4. Having started experiencing issues with the movie-db not displaying all items, I took the backup sd/flash card and installed osmc on it.
  5. I then used it to boot things up and noticed that 90% of all movies displayed correctly

As my original sd/flash drive is displaying very little and the new sd/flash drive installation is displaying 90% ok, my naming convention and process for scraping works.

what i’m really trying to find out is:
is there any additional cleanup I can perform or remove cache somewhere that is causing my original sd/flash drive from not displaying things correctly? (I have attempted to poke about in ~/.kodi/userdata/Database/ but havent been able to understand why things are not being displayed correctly)

hope this all makes sense and thank you again for all the responses; apologies for not sending the full logs but it really is as simple as the error I’ve listed above.

I dont tend to post often as things just work on osmc and I plan changes very methodically in order to keep things stable. As mentioned I have retropie and some add ons all working fine on my primary image so I would like to continue using the primary image and not rebuild anything.

Appreciated and thank you for this beautiful piece of software,

The library of Kodi is a SQL database. Normally this are sqlite file based databases that are stored in the Kodi user folder.
Overall your setup is quite strange and if you really want to switch between two SD cards I suggest to use either a shared database on a central MySQL server or alternatively move the Kodi folder to the USB disk and share it between the two installs but for that to work you would need to ensure the mediacenter versions on both installs to remain the same.

For your problem I assume a clean library comment and rescan might help.

The way you have worded your questions and responses have not been in language that is clear. You say it is “just that simple” but when you say things “am using the exact same external database in OSMC” that actually means something that could be relevant to helping you with your issue, but very unhelpful as it is not true and you probably are talking about a scraper. If you had provided logs as asked then we might have some useful information to help us, help you, but for whatever reason you have purposely chosen not to. If I was to venture a guess from the part of a single line in your log you were so gracious to allow us to see then I would say there is nothing wrong with your database and you just need to fix your scraper. If you read over on the Kodi forums in the scraper section you will find how to fix this.

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