I am currently experiencing troubles using MyOSMC. I cannot use anymore the Updates panel since the display is totally bugged. When I select ‘Updates’ in the menu, I get a popup almost empty with only partial display:
As for the context, nothing special except that I am running OSMC on a PI3 which has encountered recently several hard reboots due to electricity shutdowns. So I had to reinstall properly the latest updates by running the updates command lines since I cannot do it with MyOSMC anymore…
I am using now the OSMC July 2019 2019.07-1 version.
Here are the logs: https://paste.osmc.tv/icuvedurat
Please note that I have removed my password in the section services.webserverpassword’.
Well the question first is what led to the corruption. On a Raspberry Pi it’s very likely a SD Card failure. So recommendation is to get a new SD Card and then unfortunately you would need to do a clean install (while you could do a backup of .kodi folder with your config if no corruption in that area.
Is it possible that the corruption was caused by the repetitive hard shutdowns of the pi3? (several electricity shutdowns in my neighborhood as I described earlier)
You could try reformatting the same card first (after backing up .kodi). It may not be a hardware failure in the card. Your choice depends on how old the card is.
h2testw is a nice and easy tool running on Windows to test such SD card, it also has an English language setting, H2testw herunterladen | heise Download