Need help. Enter\OK button not recognized. Mapping Problem?

Have been using this remote and configuration for 3 years.
Today I updated my Raspbmc to OSMC.
I load the remote config file and everything execpt the Enter key. Did the command name changed?

Here’s my lirc config:

begin remote

  name  /home/pi/lircd.conf
  bits           16
  eps            30
  aeps          100

  header       8894  4522
  one           509  1725
  zero          509   609
  ptrail        516
  repeat       8896  2284
  pre_data_bits   16
  pre_data       0xFF
  gap          107350
  toggle_bit_mask 0x0

      begin codes
          KEY_AUDIO                0x10EF
          KEY_AUDIO                0x10EF
          KEY_BACK                 0x52AD
          KEY_BACK                 0x52AD
          KEY_DISPLAYTOGGLE        0xD827
          KEY_DOWN                 0x22DD
          KEY_ENTER                0xE01F
          KEY_FASTFORWARD          0x4AB5
          KEY_FORWARD              0xA25D
          KEY_LEFT                 0xE21D
          KEY_HOME                 0x12ED
          KEY_INFO                 0xE817
          KEY_MENU                 0x0AF5
          KEY_MODE                 0x58A7
          KEY_MUTE                 0x629D
          KEY_PLAYPAUSE            0x7887
          KEY_POWER                0x28D7
          KEY_PREVIOUS             0x807F
          KEY_REWIND               0xCA35
          KEY_RIGHT                0x02FD
          KEY_SOUND                0xB847
          KEY_STOP                 0x50AF
          KEY_SUBTITLE             0xC03F
          KEY_TEXT                 0xB04F
          KEY_TITLE                0x9867
          KEY_UP                   0x609F
          KEY_VIDEO                0x906F
          KEY_VOLUMEDOWN           0x8A75
          KEY_VOLUMEUP             0x40BF
          KEY_ZOOM                 0x9A65
      end codes

end remote


Thank very much… Problem fixed