Newbie Questions

Please forgive me, but I just got a raspberry pi 2 and installed OSMC on it recently and had a few questions. I have an external hard drive attached via a USB hub to the pi 2 and am running the pi 2 off the hub as well (plugable). So here are the questions I had:

  1. Is there a tutorial to install and setup couchpotato through osmc?
  2. Sonarr vs sickbeard; which is better?



We should have Sonarr and Couchpotato in the App Store by the end of the month.


Thanks! I noticed when I searched for couchpotato on add-ons it was in there. Is there a difference between add-ons and the app store; I know there are two different locations, but what is the difference in them?

add-ons are (just) add-ons that are with in Kodi while programms in the app store are applications that are installed on the OS (Debian) and a general more adding functions to OSMC holistic (e.g. SSH or Samba servers)

The Couhpotato addon is for interfacing with an installation of Couchpotato on another computer in your network, it doesn’t work on it’s own.

Ah ok, thanks for the replies! Makes more sense now!

Wow that would be awesome…SABNZBD as well :grinning:???
Really looking forward to October update now…is it imminent?

It won’t make October update, but that will come before the end of the month anyway. I’ll keep you posted.


cool thanks