Open VPN configuration


I’ve downloaded the brian hornsby vpn zip and installed it, so I now have open vpn in the programs.
When I go to configure I select the configuration file from private internet access, my provider.

It closes and in configuration it says that there is no file to delete so for whatever reason it isn’t accepting the configuration file.

PIA have lots of options for the configuration file, I’ve selected config files for my local server, Linux, and i’ve tried options for Open VPN 2.4 and higher and 2.3 and lower.

I’d be grateful for any help, I’m using Vero 4k.


I don’t know much about the add-on but some others may be able to help you here.


I’m not familiar with brian hornsby addon, but I can recommend this guide for connecting to pia vpn:

You will need to be familiar with command line though:

Thanks Tom.

thanks guys, I know nothing about the command line, and I’ve only now installed this as I though I’d read that vpn functionality is now built into OSMC