OSMC Installer error - An error occurred while writing the image

OSMC Installer error - An error occurred while writing the image

I noticed several issues reported, but no real resolutions identified.

What I tried and what I found.
Originally I had downloaded the IMG.GZ file to my server and was running the OSMC installer from my server as well and used the Select custom image option from the installer.
This failed continuously.
I tested the SD card.
I tried different SD cards.
I reformatted and tried again.
I then tried using the Download option from the installer and selected the latest build. Still failed.
I noticed in this case that the image downloaded, even though the log indicated it was successful, the file was only 1kb and 0kb extracted.

I moved both the OSMC installer.exe and the img to my local hard drive and it ran without error.

Suggestion if this occurs;

  • Verify file size of image after download from OSMC
  • Validate SD card (space, write access, etc)
  • Use only local paths to both run the installer and select a custom image as OSMC installer does not seem to be able to identify a network path properly.