OSMC No Video Playback

Hey since this months update I am unable to get any video to playback. Fresh install about 2 weeks ago after previous issues.

Logs - Available
(Removed as contained a password)

These files played back no problems before the update.

Sources from FTP and NFS

Thanks !:slightly_smiling:

Do they play if you turn off omxplayer?

Sorry should have said, bit of a linux noob, I can ssh if you can give me the command, or is it in the OSMC menu system ?

My bad, I found the menu to turn off omxplayer.

omxplayer turned off.

Video is now playing but no audio!

Have you bought the mpeg2 codec?

Nope have not purchased it. Had this pi and same setup for nearly 3-4 years without having the need for it.

Fresh install and works fine. Thanks to the %%%% who used the logs to get into my seedbox and change the password. Thanks alot !