I just got home from a long vacation. I had been running OSMC Alpha 4 on a Model B Pi. It is wired to an Airport express. OSMC and Kodi have been working fine. Watched videos all afternoon.
After the video session I downloaded RC 2 and installed it. It seemed fine. I can SSH into it and connect via SFTP. I copied over the necessary userdata files to connect to my shared MySQL Library and Media files, both of which are hosted on a MacMini.
Unfortunately, OSMC cannot connect to the network, so it doesnât see the shared library or the media files.
When I go to MyOSMC -> Network, It shows a Wired connection but that the adapter is disabled. Attempting to enable it causes a short âBusy - Please Waitâ notice but the adapter remains disabled.
The last entry in kodi.log is this one:
17:12:32 T:2885100576 DEBUG: Skin Widgets: Total time needed to request random queries: 0:00:07.979773
This is very odd, because I didnât start fooling with this until about 17:20. But there are no log entries for my trying to enable the adapter, etc.
I should note that I also installed RC2 on a B+ this afternoon using the same installer. It works fine. OSMC connects to the network and is able to use the shared library and remote media files.
How do I fix this?
And, if anyone has the patience, please help me understand how the Raspbery Pi does have a network connection, but that OSMC does not.