Some SD cards are not genuine or have a lower capacity than advertised. Some simply fail over time.
Symptoms of SD cards not working correctly are:
Read-only behaviour, or changes made not persisting
A filesystem corruption error
Symptoms of counterfeit SD cards are:
Writing works until a certain filesystem size is reached, thereafter, writes seem to cause issues where existing data is lost or newly written data is not preserved.
SD card fails after a short amount of time.
Counterfeit cards are usually found on Amazon and eBay.
SD cards have a limited lifespan. I recommend you change SD card and suspect that issues will no longer persist with a good card. If you would like to be a good quality SD card purpose manufactured for OSMC, then you can find one in the Store.
In the beginning it worked flawless, (first 10 times atleast) now it wont boot 9/10 times.
With my last SD card, it tried to boot but showed all kinds of errors on the screen when it failed booting. But now its all black and i cant even see any reaction on the television that the rasp pi has received power. So what i do is, turn on power for rasp pi, wait 30 sec, turn off power, repeat until it boot.
Does any of u know why it dosnt even try to boot when it gets power? is there some kind of log i can download and upload to show, once it finally boot up to show why it fails the other times?
If the green LED doesn’t even blink that would indicate that no proper boot code be found. But if it works 1 out of 10 times this for me would mean your SD Card slot has an issue.