Remote.xml and keyboard error

In The log appear this
====================== advancedsettings.xml =================== C7hKmH1p

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> ---------------------- advancedsettings.xml END --------------- C7hKmH1p

====================== keyboard.xml =================== MBom5YV6
keyboard.xml error
---------------------- keyboard.xml END --------------- MBom5YV6

====================== remote.xml =================== 5jmphjm3
remote.xml error
---------------------- remote.xml END --------------- 5jmphjm3

====================== sources.xml =================== SGkuGLGj


And this

osmc avahi-daemon[398]: Invalid response packet from host
Oct 19 18:54:31 osmc avahi-daemon[398]: Invalid response packet from host
Oct 19 18:54:31 osmc avahi-daemon[398]: Invalid response packet from host
Oct 19 18:54:31 osmc avahi-daemon[398]: Invalid response packet from host
Oct 19 18:54:31 osmc avahi-daemon[398]: Invalid response packet from host
Oct 19 18:54:31 osmc avahi-daemon[398]: Invalid response packet from host
Oct 19 18:54:31 osmc avahi-daemon[398]: Invalid response packet from host
Oct 19 18:54:31 osmc avahi-daemon[398]: Invalid response packet from host
Oct 19 18:54:32 osmc avahi-daemon[398]: Invalid response packet from host
Oct 19 18:54:32 osmc avahi-daemon[398]: Invalid response packet from host
Oct 19 18:54:32 osmc avahi-daemon[398]: Invalid response packet from host
Oct 19 18:54:32 osmc avahi-daemon[398]: Invalid response packet from host

Those errors are just the log reporter saying that keyboard.xml and remote.xml don’t exist - this is normal because they don’t exist unless you create them.

This is nothing to worry about. It’s usually caused by a Windows 10 PC on the network.

yes ok i think that was a problem regarding the key guide un remote control that doesn’t work. after update if i press the key guide on remote ir or keyboard not appear the menu. i don’t know why. how i can reneable?

when i press guide key the log is this
12:58:19 341.685669 T:1576346656 NOTICE: -->Python Interpreter Initialized<–
12:58:19 341.687225 T:1576346656 WARNING: CPythonInvoker(43): Script invoked without an addon. Adding all addon modules installed to python path as fallback. This behaviour will be removed in future version.

This warning is nothing to do with pressing a key, it appears when a python script is launched.

Just because a log entry says “warning” does not mean that there is any problem - some warnings are normal. Unless you are having actual problems using OSMC I would not worry about looking through logs for warnings and errors…

ok but to make visible menu from key guide ?

one solution?