Sad face after last update. Raspberry won't boot

I am able to log in with putty and I was trying manual update but i still get sad face and system won’t boot.

My log:

Can someone help? Thanks in advance

It looks like you might have a corrupted SD card. The APT logs go back to Oct 2015, so the card might be nearing the end of its useful life.

Among other things, you’re missing a library libcrossguid0, though the log shows that it was supposed to have been installed.

You can try to install it again:

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install libcrossguid0
sudo apt-get install --reinstall rbp2-mediacenter-osmc

Thanks a lot for your fast reply!

I did all what you suggested but still System won’t boot.

It’s not a big deal to change card (I already have one of 32GB but it’s going to be a pain to scrape all movies and shows). Is there something that I can do to ease that process?

Grab the /home/pi/.kodi folder from your existing install and then, after first boot of the new install, stop Kodi and overwrite the new .kodi folder with your backup.

Thanks! I will try this option.