I setup new user in phpMyAdmin and granted access. Added below advanced settings file. Open movies and did a new scan which took hours. I can see database entries made on MariaDB but when I try and view movies in kodi I get nothing. Can anyone tell what I am doing wrong from logs?
I rather think you don’t have given the kodi user the right access rights to the mysql database.
Check the docks/guide you have followed for the part where you need to create the kodi user inside the BD, and provide it special privileges.
Issue with kodi is that you can’t give it access to a shared MySQL DB. Well - you can, but then the Kodi user can do whatever he wants with alkl the other databases as you need to provide it grant privileges as it creates the tables from scratch:
ERROR: SQL: [kodi_video116] The table does not exist
If you don’t give the kodi user grant/ALL privileges, you will have a mess at the next DB version upgrade.
I solved it by created a docker-mysql Instance solely reserved for Kodi. So whatever happens to the instance, only the kodi data would be affected (Of course, I take backups)
I essentially followed this guide. It’s out of date in some areas (e.g. service enabling in the Synology control panel is not needed if you installed the packages), but the key thing is around set up of a user with the correct privileges. It worked first time for me (MariaDB10, port 3307 as you have.)
I deleted database and started over. Movies are working. But now I get sad face when trying to access music. I can’t even go to media settings to add music source. Any suggestions?
The standard database name is to not use the tag at all. As for the crash I would try removing the tag from the music section in your advancedsettings file (just leave it in the video section since that is already working) and see if that works for you.
To be completely honest with you I have no idea why that name tag is not a recommended option. I use it on my video databases because I have more than one and I have never had an issue. I have never used the name tag on my music database though so i’m not sure if there is an issue using it there or not.