SAMBA from the MyOSMC App store

I installed OSMC on my microSD 2GB. As first step, I have installed SAMBA from the MyOSMC App store. After the installation of SAMBA appears “Installed successfully”, so I try to restart my RPi 3 (with OSMC) but appear a sad face.

What’s the problem?
Thanks for your support
Best regards

I have tried to follow these single operations:

I tried to install SAMBA from OSMC Store. :frowning:
I tried to apt-get update and then installation SAMBA from OSMC Store, but the problem persist. :frowning:
I tried to apt-get upgrade and then installation SAMBA from OSMC Store, but the problem persist. :frowning:

A 2gb sdcard is too small too reliably run osmc. Try a minimum size card of 4gb.

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Thanks a lot.