Hello everybody,
I’ve just installed the last release :alpha 4 .
but, it seems there is a problem with the DataBase’s update.
When i try tu update my DataBase (video or music) a short message is displayed on the screen ‘compress Database’ and NO UPDATE. my dataBase is stay empty.
thanks for your help to solve this problem
Best regards
You are going to have to provide a debug log.
Hello Action,
I’m noob so, can you explain me in few words how generate a log?
It seems there is a settings, and after? generate and get the log to send it to you…
Well, ActionA
I’ve donwloaded PUTTY and i’m connected in my Raspberry 2 using OSMC/OSMC
What can i do now?
best regards
These two links should explain your options well.
thank you very much ActionA
there is a 'script erro’r in the log uploader, So, i’ve got the log via filezilla client.
kodi.log make 93ko and it is not clean to put it in the POST and i’ve found nothing to attach my log to the POST. Only jpg, ico, etc…not text file (?)
can you give me a way to send my kogi.log to you?
Hello ActionA,
DBMandrake tell me how to do.
find my log here: not needed
(it is a fresh install)
for everybody…
to solve my problem, log is not needed
i just use contextual menu (‘C’ key, ‘GUIDE’ on ypur remote controller, right click on your mouse)
Please explain how you fixed this problem? I have the same issue: add new TV show episode to the folder on the USB stick and update library, get the compressing database message briefly then nothing, new episodes not added. I can find the new media files manually by looking through the files, but this is too complicated for my children.