I want eneable tethering (ethernet to WIFI sharing) on vero 4k.
I am on latest update 2018 08-2
Doing like this:
In OSMC skin I go to Network, then to Wireless and I enable adapter (I see some networks from neighbours)
Then I go to Tethering (stay name and password by default) ,Etghernet to WIFI is marked and then
I go on Enable and enable it.
But I can not find with any my phone or tablet wireless network osmc_wifi
Do not know what I am doing wrong. Actually was doing the same in older firmwares on vero 4k some time ago and never had sharing ethernet to wifi working
Here is my logs just in case: https://paste.osmc.tv/tonenitoqe
Everythig else is working perfectly with my Panasonic plazma TV and Denon receiver AVR X2200W.
Very hapy with vero 4k - perfect kodi box