Touchscreen Help

Hello, i am new in OSMC and i hope you can help me.

I using a Raspberry Pi 2 and a 5inch HDMI Touchscreen. The Power and the Touchfunction connected by the Giop. The Brand of the Display is Makibes.
With the Image that was included by the Display it works fine, but with the OSMC the Touchfunction is not online.

I see during the installprocess the a Special file not created

cp: cannot create regular file ‘/usr/share/X11/xorg.conf.d/99-fbturbo.conf’: No such file or directory

can any one help my bring my Touchscreen online?


If it’s dependent on X11 then it’s not gonna work. OSMC does not use Xorg.

i get now a Raspberry Pi Touch-LCD 7". The original Touch. This is functional right?