Tvheadend client: command failed - Unable to stat path

Hey all

Running on a Raspberry Pi 2 here and having an issue with the tvheadend client addon. I run a separate tvheadend server (on a Pi B) and use the tvheadend addon as a client on the OSMC Pi. I had it working at RC3 I think, and then it broke after an update. It was still broken after an update to the final version of OSMC. Also tried a fresh install and am experiencing the same problem.

I keep getting a “command failed:unable to stat path” error message popping up on screen every ten seconds or so. I can watch live TV and as far as I can tell, the tvheadend addon is otherwise operable.

The debug log file gives:

12:52:51 T:1479537696 ERROR: AddOnLog: Tvheadend HTSP Client: ReadResult - command failed - Unable to stat path
12:52:51 T:1479537696 DEBUG: CAddonCallbacksAddon - QueueNotification - Tvheadend HTSP Client - Error Message : ‘Command failed: Unable to stat path’
12:52:51 T:1479537696 DEBUG: AddOnLog: Tvheadend HTSP Client: GetDriveSpace - failed to get getDiskSpace
12:52:51 T:1957117952 DEBUG: ------ Window Init (DialogKaiToast.xml) ------

I don’t understand what the GetDriveSpace thing is about, since it’s only operating as a client. Is it a permissions thing?

Thanks in advance

It still wants to find out how much space is free on the client


check to see if the recording path is correct, and then check the permissions to the recording path(tvheadend server)… it can’t read the recordings i think or can’t see the path.


Well it turns out that I’m an idiot. Indeed the default recording profile on the tvheadend server, which I never usually use, was pointing to a directory that is no longer there. Thank you to Sam and Harry for the prompt response to what ended up being a nothing question. I am enjoying OSMC by the way!