Tvheadend with Schedules Direct

I’m trying to set up tvheadend, installed via osmc store, to use Schedules Direct. I was thinking of using a grabber to download an XML file and then grabbing it using the internal grabber. However, I can’t change the path to the file, any ideas why?

There are already grabbers built for Schedules Direct, looks like you need to install the xmltv package since they aren’t on your list.

I suggest doing a search for ‘TVheadend schedules direct setup’ as it has been a long time since I’ve done this, but basically -

Install the package:
sudo apt-get install xmltv-util
Setup the grab:
tv_grab_zz_sdjson --configure

Thanks. Done that and I have a ton on grabbers now. Triggered a reload, but don’t have any new options under EPG source for each channel. Guess it might take a while?

Sorted. All working now. Thanks.