I’m new to Vero 4K / Kodi. Just bought a 4K+ intended for use in a video club. When it arrived, I tested it on a TV in my “studio” at home. All was fine, but I had to manually switch the resolution to 1920x1080 50p. All was good.
Then I took it to our clubhouse, hooked it up to the projector, and all I got was 1280x720 60p. Both the projector and Vero confirmed this. The problem here is that the projector is a slave, to adjusts to what comes in on the HDMI port. So I went into the settings on the Vero 4K+, but the section where I had to change the resolution was grey’d out. How can I change it then?
I took the projector home, connected the vero to my TV, the resolution and FPS setting were active again, I changed to 1920x1080 50p. Disconnected the HDMI from the TV, connected the projector, and the setting stayed at 1920x1080 50p. But, after switching all devices off, leaving them of for 30 mins, and switching it on again, it defaults back to 1280x720 60p on the projector (and setting is greyed out).
How can I change this setting if it’s greyed out ?
Is there a way to set this setting default to 1920x1080 50p ?
Thanks for your advice…
Note1: the vero does not have power inbetween club meetings (1x week) as all power is cut when the room is empty. Not sure if this is relevant, but it could be.
Note2: the blue led died within the 1st hour of use… only have the red stand-by led now.
Note3: what is the difference, on the shutdown menu, between the option 1 and option2? My unit runs in the local language, but I’m sure you know what is the first and second item on the shutdown menu (translated to English, 1 is “shut down” and 2 is “system shut down”). As the power gets cut to the unit, which option is recommended to shutdown the unit.