Timeline highlighting bug in EPG


Our Vero 4K froze, we had to restart it as it did not respond to anything. We were just browsing the live tv guide (dvblogic pvr).


Any idea what possibly went wrong?

No clues there. If it happens again, a debug log would be helpful.


what is a debug log and how can i send it?

To get a better understanding of the problem you are experiencing we need more information from you. The best way to get this information is for you to upload logs that demonstrate your problem. You can learn more about how to submit a useful support request here.

Thanks for your understanding. We hope that we can help you get up and running again shortly.


Thank you, i run the suggested commend, here you are:


That’s still not a debug log.

Can you attach a log next time the problem occurs, with debugging enabled? Let us know if you are not sure of anything.



okay. is there any side effect of having the debug enabled? will it affect performance?

No – but you may want to configure it in advancedsettings.xml so you don’t get a debug overlay.


can you please tell me what i would need to put there?

Here’s some more information: http://kodi.wiki/view/advancedsettings.xml#loglevel

hi Sam!

It is still happening. :frowning:


FYI I cannot keep debug log on, because it is always on the screen and can’t enjoy it.

Any clue what the issue can be?

Not without a debug log unfortunately.

furthermore i’m experiencing this:

do you have any information regarding this? (selection issue + going dark and reload after 3-5sec of watching the channel)

Your provided links have been removed as they attempt to force get player link on users.

None of your problems can be properly addressed without a debug log.

for the issues above here is the debug log:
video file without embedded player: https://docs.google.com/uc?id=0B5507l1XfpWRLUk1dm8zRVVEblU&export=download

In advancedsettings.xml set
<advancedsettings> <loglevel>1</loglevel> <!-- Change this to "1" to hide the on-screen debug log text --> </advancedsettings>


thank you!

Hopefully the log above will be useful, i was able to reproduce it even when it was on the screen :slight_smile: But definitely good to know!

additional debug log:

now it completely crashed just by browsing the channels and starting one of them. @sam_nazarko this is an issue that is happening almost every day, makes using the Vero 4K a terrible experience. hope this issue will be investigated and fixed.


thank you

I’m not sure that it’s a OSMC issue. DVBLogic has some issues with their KODI Pvr.
Take a look
and verify the version of your KODI DVBLogic PVR addon.


Thanks, I’m using 3.3.11 FYI. So not the one that they reported issues for.