Vero 4k+ HDR to SDR conversion

Hi All,

I’m thinking of buying a 4k+.

After reading a lot of threads, it is still unclear to me if the 4k+ is supporting this feature?
I have a non HDR beamer and I want to be sure that this is working.



It does convert HDR to SDR currently, but you can’t adjust the conversion.

Thanks for your quick answer.
Will it be possible to adjust in the future?

It does an SDR conversion but in my systems it greatly undershoots the contrast. The contrast can be adjusted in Kodi to give a good result but unfortunately contrast adjustments are not yet persistent. It was mentioned this is fixed in the latest test release (133?) but in my case the contrast problem is not fixed in that version.

Yes. That is planned.

When I first got my Vero 4K, I saw that UHD HDR->SDR was really bad compared to the standard BluRay (crushed blacks and whites, colors noticably off).

Now, HDR->SDR still shows a different image from the BluRay, but a lot of that is likely the fact that the source images are different (i.e., even on an HDR-capable display, the UHD and BluRay would have different colors). But, all of the problems I had before seem to be fixed. The only thing I really noticed was where the HDR tried to display really bright whites, and the conversion tried to follow that as much as possible, but it did end up looking bad compared to the original BluRay. It might look just as bad on a UHD-capable display, though.

A big problem with all of this is that projected film (and even most digital projectors in theaters, unless they are very new) doesn’t have the color or brightness ranges that are being applied to the home video releases, so what we are seeing with HDR and the Rec.2020 color gamut are somewhat “fake”. Because of this, coming up with a right way to do HDR->SDR (or even display HDR on an HDR-capable display) is somewhat of an crapshoot.

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I find once the contrast is fixed the colours are fine, indeed I prefer the colour to my Panny UHD player, but it does a much better job with default contrast.

Indeed. When you have a (PQ) EOTF which covers nearly 7 orders of magnitude of luminance, even the best screens about 5 and older screens 3 take your pick - there can be no ‘correct’ mapping.