Vero "jamming" router's WiFi

I have a Vero 4k+ with latest updates and everything and it works perfectly.

However; I have noticed that if I physically place the Vero device near my router (a few inches, almost touching the router) that WiFi from my router gradually (in the span of 1 minute) becomes incredibly bad and the internet performance becomes poor. I go from 200mbps on my Iphone’s speed test to around 20-30 Mbps. I’ve tried different speed tests and different apps and it’s noticeable everywhere, even tried different devices with WiFi and it all happens consistently.

I have tried 3 different Mikrotik routers (hAP ac lite, hAP ac, and some older model). I have tried both 2.4ghz and 5ghz, no difference at all. I also disabled the WiFi on my Vero, I am only using a wired connection.

Luckily the solution is incredibly simple; I moved the Vero device 2 meters away from the router and WiFi now works perfectly. I can easily reproduce the issue every time without fail.

Anyone have any idea what could possibly be the issue? I have never seen this occur with any other device before and it took me 3 routers to get to the bottom of the issue. I had WiFi issues for a few months now and I couldn’t for the life of me figure it out.

So what does your router logs tell you ?

Is the bluetooth turned on? Having any wireless transmitter to close to another will generally cause issues even when they are not sharing the same band.

You should never put WiFi devices that close together.

If you are using Ethernet, then disable WiFi and Bluetooth and the problem will be solved


No, both bluetooth and wifi are turned off and disabled, this does not solve the problem…

Please post a log.

Sounds like straightforward electromagnetic interference.

No logs necessary. :wink:

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Maybe if he’s got the Vero sitting directly on the router.

A log will show if he’s actually disabled WiFi and BT.

Good point.