Wasn’t sure if this was the right place to post this but I recall seeing something about the original Vero 4K having a blue power led when powered on but that was disabled on the plus.
I was just wondering what was done to change that, a new u-boot or was this scripted somehow?
The blue LED failed on some Vero 4k and a lot complained over the bright blue light, so it was removed on the Vero 4K+
You seem to have a 4K +.
This doesn’t have a blue LED. People complained that it’s too bright.
I do indeed, just wondering how you guys disabled the blue light. So it was physically removed from the hardware in the plus revision?
Sorry, I tend to ask loads of questions generally but am enjoying learning more of how OSMC is put together.
There is no blue LED in the 4K +.
GPIO pins also changed when we transitioned from S905X -> S905D.
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