
How to install witty-Pi on rpi2 in osmc ???
Install script give this output :
osmc@nico:~$ sudo sh installWittyPi.sh

| |
| Witty Pi Software Installing Script |
| |

Enable I2C
Seems i2c-bcm2708 module already exists, skip this step.
Seems i2c-dev module already exists, skip this step.
Seems i2c1 parameter already set, skip this step.
Seems i2c_arm parameter already set, skip this step.
File raspi-blacklist.conf does not exist, skip this step.
Install i2c-tools
Seems i2c-tools is installed already, skip this step.
Install wiringPi
installWittyPi.sh: 62: installWittyPi.sh: git: not found
installWittyPi.sh: 63: cd: can’t cd to wiringPi
installWittyPi.sh: 64: installWittyPi.sh: ./build: not found
Install wittyPi
–2015-10-08 12:27:31-- http://www.uugear.com/repo/WittyPi/LATEST
Résolution de www.uugear.com (www.uugear.com)…
Connexion à www.uugear.com (www.uugear.com)||:80… connecté.
requête HTTP transmise, en attente de la réponse… 200 OK
Taille : 9275 (9,1K)
Sauvegarde en : « wittyPi.zip »

wittyPi.zip 100%[=====================>] 9,06K --.-KB/s ds 0,001s

2015-10-08 12:27:32 (8,77 MB/s) — « wittyPi.zip » sauvegardé [9275/9275]

unzip: can’t change directory to ‘wittyPi’: No such file or directory
installWittyPi.sh: 75: cd: can’t cd to wittyPi
chmod: impossible d’accéder à « wittyPi.sh »: Aucun fichier ou dossier de ce type
chmod: impossible d’accéder à « daemon.sh »: Aucun fichier ou dossier de ce type
chmod: impossible d’accéder à « syncTime.sh »: Aucun fichier ou dossier de ce type
chmod: impossible d’accéder à « runScript.sh »: Aucun fichier ou dossier de ce type
cp: impossible d’évaluer « init.sh »: Aucun fichier ou dossier de ce type
insserv: warning: script ‘K01wittypi’ missing LSB tags and overrides
insserv: warning: script ‘wittypi’ missing LSB tags and overrides
rm: impossible de supprimer « wittyPi.zip »: Aucun fichier ou dossier de ce type

All done. Please reboot your Pi :slight_smile:
Please help me !!!

I am not an expert in wittypi nor do I plan to install it.
But looking thru your error messages there seems to be several issue. As a starting point it looks like you need git to download the git of wittypi. So try to execute sudo apt-get install git
After that run the script again and post the new outut.

Thanks found problem ! Also need to install build-essentials .
Still some problem with RTC module not correctly loaded into kernel.
Working on that !
If you have some idea’s , there always welcome !