Yahoo weather add on not update (working?)

Yahoo weather not working after last friday. Is any solution for fix this?

Thank s


I guess not OSMC specific, therefore better to check on Yahoo! Weather

That link does not help get to the issue of Yahoo not working.

That was not the point of me sharing it! The point was that a addon related problem is best reported on the kodi forum and not on the OSMC forum unless it only is related to OSMC

Yes, it does. It explains that Yahoo! changed their setup and a new URL is needed to pull info. Post #165 gives the new URL, which needs to be changed in Yahoo! weather’s file:

change the following line in

You can update the URL manually (I have done this and it works), or update the add-on (in that same thread, the script author said he fixed it now, but I did not confirm myself).

If needed, more detailed instructions can be found further in that same Kodi forum thread, like post 179

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I did that, and it worked for a few days, and now it stopped working again :frowning: What is the correct URL now? Why is it not automatically fixed when I update OSMC?

@berto already pointed you to the addon forums. This is not related to OSMC so you are better off at their forum Yahoo! Weather