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Help and SupportThis is a place to get help and support for OSMC. Please post in the category you are running OSMC on, unless it is a generic issue.
Feature RequestsDiscuss what you'd like to see in future iterations of OSMC, or how we can help the community and make OSMC even better!
General DiscussionDiscuss anything (including non OSMC related topics) here. If you need help or support with OSMC, please post in that category instead.
HowToThis section has been provided for users to provide useful [HowTo] instructional posts for the benefit of the community as a whole.
TestingHelp shape the future of OSMC.
NewsKeep track of the latest OSMC news and announcements here.
WikiThe OSMC Wiki is a comprehensive resource for all things OSMC and should be your first port of call. This forum allows you to discuss current Wiki pages and how to improve them. Please note that this Wiki is brand new and we are still adding content. If you'd like to help, please let us know.