After last update remote not working

Just as a general info of alternatives to control the Vero:

  1. Your TV Remote via CEC (should allow to do most controls)
  2. The Webinterface (if enabled) via http://<IP of Vero>
  3. Any Android phone using the Yatse App (would also require the Webinterface enabled)

If you didn’t enabled the Webinterface before you could do so via SSH by editing .kodi\userdata\guisettings.xml

The dongle is being detected. Can you confirm that the remote your using with it is the one with the rw/ff buttons at the bottom and not one of the ones with the volume buttons.

Mine looks just like this one.

Just going to second fzinken’s post…Yatse is a fantastic Android app for controlling Kodi.
The developer is very pro-active, and constantly improving/updating the app.

If you are unfamiliar with editing via SSH commandline, WinSCP is a great Windows application for SSH in a typical file manager format.

In the “/home/osmc/.kodi/userdata/guisettings.xml” file, you will be looking around line 249-253 for these settings to activate Kodi’s built-in web interface or to use Yatse.

<setting id="services.webserver" default="true">true</setting>
    <setting id="services.webserverport" default="true">80</setting>
    <setting id="services.webserverauthentication" default="true">true</setting>
    <setting id="services.webserverusername" default="true">osmc</setting>
    <setting id="services.webserverpassword" default="true">osmc</setting>

In the latter versions, I believe you have to have authentication enabled, as well as a username and password.

That is the correct remote for the dongle you have so no issue there. I would suggest plugging it into a PC and try pairing it again while plugged into that and see if you have better luck there. Perhaps there is some interference currently in the location where your Vero sits that is interrupting the process.