Automated NFS-Server for Automount Shares


Thanks for the feedback.

I’ll check this out and see if its required.

I’ll look into this, but maybe a limitation client sides (Windows).

Thanks Tom.

I mentioned this just if someone doesn´t know how tomake it works. :slight_smile: Its not connected with ur script :slight_smile: but thanks for the help.

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Recently found some inspiration to look at this again. Now installable as addon, no need to edit keymaps. Just run the addon and follow the instructions, available for both kodi 18 & 19:

kodi 19

Git Repository can found here

@lancelot Haven’t forgotten to look in to NO_SUBTREE_CHECK, just been busy on the todo list.
Tested with no_subtree_check enabled and it didn’t create any issues, so I’ve added as requested.

Thanks Tom.

thanks @Tom_Doyle i will test it with next update to kodi 19 :slight_smile: I am going to do fresh install of new system :slight_smile:

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5 posts were split to a new topic: Is mounting NFS shares is only relevant for Linux servers, correct?

Moved as question was about NFS and Windows.