Sorry for the delay in replies here. It’s been busy.
@Den4t as you seem to be willing to tinker with this a bit, I’d recommend you get to where we were before we made changes to try and get it running out of system mode.
apt-get install git build-essential
git clone https://github.com/osmc/osmc
cd osmc
git checkout 27a9e28b6d7224c540424445b45da87096042030
cd package/a2dp-app-osmc
That will give you a Deb package which you can install and run apt-get -f install on a fresh installation to get dependencies.
In my findings, A2DP won’t work properly.
But if you stop PulseAudio (systemctl stop pulseaudio) and run pulseaudio -vvv once as the OSMC user and kill it, it will then work without issue.
I couldn’t work out why this was (I checked directories were OK; auth cookies were fine). I did spend quite some time on this.
There’s probably work that needs to be done in files/DEBIAN/postinst to set up permissions properly.