Bluetooth service not starting

Got it working! Thanks you all for the help. I accidentally installed pulseaudio-module-bluetooth before I read your post but uninstalled it and installed a2dp-app-osmc.

It works now, but had to read one of the posts you were in (Problem with bluetooth headphones - #31 by RobertJRussellLives) which helped me.

osmc@osmc:~$ pactl list sources short
0 alsa_output.platform-soc_audio.analog-stereo.monitor module-alsa-card.c s16le 2ch 44100Hz SUSPENDED
1 bluez_sink.04_5D_4B_5E_1D_EB.headset_head_unit.monitor module-bluez5-device.c s16le 1ch 8000Hz SUSPENDED
2 bluez_source.04_5D_4B_5E_1D_EB.headset_head_unit module-bluez5-device.c s16le 1ch 8000Hz SUSPENDED
$pactl set-card-profile 1 a2dp_sink

Then I went to Settings->Audio->Output and changed to ALSA Pulse Audio as I didn’t see anything that had Bluetooth in it.