Can't update to January release

I will try that today when I get back home. Is there any chance that the install might broke after that? I don’t want to be forced to reinstall everything. In fact maybe I will create new share with new settings and try it? I’d like to have it like it should be. Maybe you could write how export should looks like for NFS root?

I’ve tried to install in a new directory. After first part, installer downloaded and placed files in NFS root on Synology. After the restart it did some more but next I saw sad face. And from now on, there’s a loop of sad face and restart of Pi.

When I create new NFS share these are default options:
/volume1/test <world>(rw,async,crossmnt,insecure,no_root_squash,no_subtree_check,insecure_locks,anonuid=1025,anongid=100,sec=sys,rw,no_root_squash,no_all_squash) Maybe it’ll help somehow.

I did chmod 555 to my test share and OSMC installed properly. Also as I choose to install 2017-12-1 I’m now able to update to 2018. I hope as it’s happening right now. I have found exact export here [Resolved] Impossible to do a NFS installation - #4 by DBMandrake and I will try to change and see what will happen with my existing osmc shares.