Custom remote buttons

For some reason when I try to use the keymap addon (to see what the key ID is) it doesn’t detect the button. I know the button works because I can map it in irrecrod successfully.

I have had that happen to me a few times. I don’t really know where exactly the issue comes from. My normal course of action is to just make a copy of my keymap files and then have keymap editor “reset to default”, redo what I can inside of the plug-in, then save and manual edit anything in that can’t be done inside the program.

It just doesn’t want to work for the button I am trying to map.
Is there any other way to get the button ID?
I also tried mapping the button in irrecord to “KEY_M” and then added this to my global.xml


Didn’t work.

You’ve ventured outside of my knowledge base. If your having to get down to playing with LIRC then you would probably have better luck over on the Kodi forum.

Thanks for trying.
Helped with the channel switching.

I wonder if someone can let me know if this is intentional.
KEY_MENU = Context Menu
KEY_TITLE = Context Menu